About Us

We envision a better world, where everyone is well taken care of, and injustice is a thing of the past. This may seem far-fetched, but that’s how we want it to be. And that is the goal we are moving towards… one step at a time.

Every day, we come across a multitude of individuals living below the poverty line. It is not their fault…

However, as the privileged and blessed ones, it is our duty to lend them support.

No One Should Ever Be Deprived of Basic Necessities.

Let’s work together to give them a chance to live better lives.

Our Movement

We work alongside extremely marginalized communities and underprivileged people, particularly in developing countries. We work in collaboration with various stakeholders with deep local knowledge and extensive community involvement.

Being there for all those who need help...

We are striving to help the world rid of poverty, by making food, water, and clothing accessible to everyone.

We firmly believe in spreading goodness, relief, and happiness.

How We Serve

Islamic Impact Projects has one aim: to help the vulnerable… in as many ways as possible.

We transcend the boundaries of the land in our effort to help anyone who is in need. We aspire to have a world where no one has to live without the basic needs.

We are a Not-For-Profit organization.

Restore Eyesight- Cure Blindness with Kindness

The Gift of Sight

80% of visual impairment is curable…

Our project aims to alleviate the burdens of blindness and with your help, restore the lives of those affected in impoverished areas.

Our Projects and Activities

Many of our activities focus around assisting vulnerable children in society, lifting them out of poverty and providing them with the necessities to live a meaningful existence.

We believe all children deserve to have an education, a chance just to be children and to have fun.

We want all the children in our care to feel part of a global community and instill within them the values of tolerance, integrity and hard-work.

Our aim is to achieve this within a caring and nurturing environment which will allow children to develop valuable life skills as well as attain academic excellence.

Help Children Complete their Cancer Treatment
Help build an Orphanage and School
Meal, Groceries and Clothing for Orphans, Widows & Needy


To see a world where orphans are cared for and educated to the highest standards of academic excellence.

Arm the children living in poverty with education.

Teach them to lay claim to the basic human rights that they are greatly deprived of.

Help them as they fight to claim their status as humans in a developing society.


Work alongside extremely poor children in developing countries, and create a route for them to join formal school.

Provide quality education to orphans and the most vulnerable children in society.


To provide orphans and children from poor families with education

To increase the life chances of orphans and children from very poor families

To enable these children to lead productive and dignified lives

Our Work

In countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan and India, where both parents are often required to work in order to make ends meet, the loss of one parent (especially the father) can plunge any remaining children into severe hardship as well as significantly increase the risk of them being drawn in to child labor, sexual exploitation, or worse. We want to assist as many vulnerable orphans and children as possible.

To understand how a system works, you have to be a part of the system. We believe in this age old saying, and when we approach a community to help it develop, we start with a blank slate.

We don’t go to a community with a preconceived solution; rather we research the nature, strategic dimension and extent of the problems faced by the community, involving community members at each and every stage of the process.

Once that is done, we discuss with the community on how to efficiently tackle these problems using the limited resources of the community, and we seek innovative solutions that we can implement with the community’s active support.

In all cases the solutions are tailored to the situation; indeed, the same problem may be solved in two different ways in two different locations.

Our projects and activities need the support of donors worldwide to make our work possible – without you, we are nothing. Please continue to support us with your donations so that together we can make a difference.

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